National IRCC Workshop
Date: Sat, 28 May 16 | time: 9 am - 1 pm
venue: marina madarin hotel
Minister Grace Fu was the GOH at the National IRCC Workshop which focused on the threat of terrorism. The theme of this year's workshop was "Resilience: Strengthening Communal Unity and Harmony" to underscore the crucial work of IRCCs in maintaining trust and confidence between communities after a crisis. She said that the terrorist threat was not a question of "IF" but "WHEN" and we need to be resilient and strenthen community unity and harmony in Singapore. She added that the IRCC serves as an important conduit between the various religious communities, a need to engage our youth (to build and strengthen racial harmony) and to stay vigilant and resilient. IRCC members need a raft of skills at their disposal to communicate effectively and to be able to respond during times of crisis. She said that IRCC is providing training for their members to equip them with the necessary skill sets. Minister Fu said that the SG Secure will be launched so that we can stay alert, united and strong in times of crisis. The recent spate of terrorist incidents overseas underscore the important role IRCC leaders can play in providing assurance to the communities and the need to stand together in solidarity.
This annual National IRCC Workshop was held at the Marina Mandarin Hotel and it was well attended by IRCC members, religious organisations as well as youth members. Our Advisor, Dr Maliki Osman, was also present at this year's workshop.
This annual National IRCC Workshop was held at the Marina Mandarin Hotel and it was well attended by IRCC members, religious organisations as well as youth members. Our Advisor, Dr Maliki Osman, was also present at this year's workshop.